In Memory of Anita Dinicola

It's with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of 1st VP, Michele Neu's mother, Anita Dinicola on October 18, 2024. Anita was a long-time member of the Torrance Women's Club and was to be the Marina District President a couple of years ago, when her health began to decline. It is important to note that Anita was instrumental in helping the co-founders Michele Neu and Alisa Knox establish the South Bay Junior Woman's Club in 2011. She provided guidance and support for the club to build its footprint to become part of the GFWC and CFWC.
To celebrate her memory the family and Club are asking for donations for a memorial park bench to be placed at Paradise Park and/or scholarships for high school seniors in her name.
Help us preserve her memory through donations:
Electronically using our donation button below:

Or by mailing us a check made out and sent to:
South Bay Junior Woman's Club
P.O. Box 10264, Torrance, CA 90505
**Please note if donating through check write that the donation is in honor of Anita Dinicola**
A Message from Anita's daughter Michelle Neu, Co-Founder of the South Bay Junior Woman's Club:
"My mom was instrumental in helping start the South Bay Junior Woman’s Club (SBJWC). Not only did she help instruct us on the how’s, why’s and don’ts, she helped us formulate a plan to begin our club. In the beginning, she attended every fundraiser and even most volunteer activities. Anita was an amazing person who loved giving back and volunteering. As my mentor, I learned from her and wanted to walk in her footsteps….. As the SBJWC gained its footprint, she would be in the shadows inspiring and pushing us to be the best! She was not only our biggest supporter, she was also the best cheerleader."